May 17th, 2011

by Phyllis McCallum

Directed by: Anne Ballis

for Players Club of Swarthmore’s
Children’s Theater Series

All Performance’s on PCS 2nd Stage

February 2011
Friday Saturday Sunday
18th @ 7:00 pm 19th @ 7:00 pm 20th @ 11:00 am
25th @ 7:00 pm 26th @ 7:00 pm

Ticket Info

  • Ticket Prices: All Tickets (Adult & Children) are $10.00 each, Cash and Check only. All Children 2 and Under are Free, and anyone 3 or older needs to pay the general admission price. There are no pre-sale tickets. All Tickets are sold at the door, the day of the performance.
  • Group Rate: We do offer group rates for groups of 20 or more. The group rate is $9.00 for Adults (13 and older) and $7.00 for Children (3-12 years old). If you know of a group coming to one of your performances please contact
  • $1.00 Discount Coupons: We do offer a $1.00 discount on each ticket purchased when an audience member brings in one of our show postcards.
  • Birthday Parties: We offer birthday packages for parents to bring their child’s birthday party to the show. We offer cupcakes and a special meet and greet with the characters. Email us at for more details!

Synopsis: Play – Jack’s father has been kidnapped by the terrible giant who lives in the clouds. To save his family from starvation, Jack must sell their beloved cow, Buttercup; but ends up trading for a handful of beans. The beans are magic, of course… and sprout into a beanstalk which reaches into the sky. With the help of his good fairy, Frippery, Jack saves his father and destroys the evil giant.

Production Staff
Director Anne Ballis
Producers Cathy Baum & Brian Walsh
Scenic Design Lois Gordon
Costumes Besty Berwick
Props Rudi Levin
Sound Davida Weiler-Stone
Lights/Stage Manager Ryan Stone
Jack Dylan Harrington
Jacqueline Kat Lemon
Buttercup Cyndi Greller
Frippery Michelle Pascetta
Poultry woman Elise Marx
Milkmaid Kara Elizabeth McGee
Colossus Jim Carroll
Jonathan Josiah Donnell

Jack (Dylan Harrington) runs from Giant (Jim Carroll)

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

  1. bruhn, therese
    February 14th, 2011 at 17:14 | #1

    Can you hold 3 adult tickets and 3 children tickets in advance for me for 11:00 performance on Feb 20th. Thank you, 610-937-1197 cell

  2. carol schreck
    February 15th, 2011 at 08:19 | #2

    Can you please hold 1 adult and 1 child’s ticket for me for Friday evening, 2. 18 for Jack and the Beanstalk. Thanks.
    Carol Schreck

  3. Ying Zhou
    February 18th, 2011 at 00:34 | #3

    Can you hold 2 adult tickets and 1 children tickets in advance for us for 7pm show on Friday 2/18?


    Ying Zhou

  4. Jeanne Frantz
    February 20th, 2011 at 10:32 | #4

    Could you please hold 3 tickets for us at the 2/20, 11:00 show? Thanks!

  5. Tracy Roman
    February 26th, 2011 at 12:12 | #5

    Can you haold 2 adult and 1 child ticket for us for the 7pm show on Saturday , Feb. 26, 2011? Thanks, Tracy Roman

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