July 14th, 2017


Book by Tina Howe

Directed by: George Mulford


(click on date to order tickets)

  • April
  • Thur.
  • Fri.
  • Sat.
  • Sun.


Curtain times: Thursday at 7:30 pm / Friday & Saturday at 8 pm / Sunday matinees at 2 pm
Ticket Prices: Admission $10 online or at the door. Subscription vouchers for the current season are also accepted.


Absurdism meets gynecology in this outrageous comedy by Tina Howe. Two couples are celebrating a 4-year-old’s birthday party. The hosts, who are clearly challenged by the task of raising their horror of a son, somehow think the guests should also embark on parenthood, despite the fact that the guests are professional anthropologists traumatized by witnessing childbirth in societies way beyond exotic. Whether you’re contemplating it, doing it, or living with the disastrous consequences, Howe seems to be saying, childbirth is not for the squeamish. This is a play that is guaranteed to make half the audience squirm.


Production Staff
George Mulford
Leslie Miller
Stage Manager
Heather Mae Timberman
Randino Del Rosario
John P. Mayer
Lighting Designer & Operator
Alan Stamford
Audiovisual Designer
Bill Whipple
Sound Operator
Karen Marie Cook



Cast List
Sandy Apple
Donna Kelly Romero
Bill Apple
Anthony San Filippo
Nicky Apple
Jim Fryer
Mia Freed
Aimee Theresa
Jeffrey Fried
David E. Griffith



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