November 13th, 2011

Brilliant Traces

by Cindy Lou Johnson

Directed by: Susan Giddings


November 2011
Fri. Sat. Sun.
4 5
11 12 13
18 19

Sunday matinees at 2:00 p.m. All other curtain times 8:00 p.m.
Admission $10 at the door. Subscription vouchers for the current season are also accepted.




A young woman dressed in a wedding gown and silk slippers somehow manages to find her way in a blinding snowstorm to the door of a lonely cabin in the Alaskan woods. A young man opens the door. She is chatty, or maybe exhausted. He is taciturn, or maybe angry. So begins their wary dance that is this extraordinary play. A London reviewer called it “frightening, sensual, moving.”



Rosannah Victoria Rose Bonito
Henry Michael Parducci


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