May 22nd, 2024

PCS Ticket Voucher Packages offer you a substantial discount (up to 52% on musicals), but there are other benefits as well.
PCS Ticket Vouchers are totally flexible. You can use as many of your vouchers as you like for any given show during the season. If you must skip a show,

• You can bring a guest to the next one, or you can blow the whole package on one production.
• There is no convenience charge for reservations paid for with a voucher.
• Tickets paid for with a voucher can be exchanged up to the date of the show originally reserved.


Voucher Options Before 8/15 After 8/15
7 tickets $99 $113
14 tickets $185 $199
Student 7* $70 $70

* (under 18 yrs. or card-carrying student)
MEMBERSHIP in the Players Club of Swarthmore is separate from ticket vouchers. You can add one or more memberships to your voucher, or you can become a member without subscribing. Members get a 20% discount on Main Stage tickets. If you become a member before October 1, you have voting rights when we elect members of our Board of Governors in March. Because voting is by email, we need an email address for each member.
We welcome donations at any time. Ticket sales do NOT cover the expenses of our beautiful building and our ambitious productions.
Subscriptions can be ordered by calling 610-328-4271. Click here for current hours of availability.


On the Online Subscription Page, you can select the type of subscription you wish to order. Use the box to the left of the subscription type to choose the number of subscriptions that you want to order. If you wish to support the theater by becoming a member, you may select a membership at this time as well.
When you have made your selections, please hit the Submit button. The Submit button will appear centered in the page, near the bottom.
When you hit the Submit button, you will be taken to a page that shows your Shopping Cart. Please review the items in your shopping cart. If there is an item that you do not want to purchase, check the box to the left of the item that you wish to remove. Then click on the link that says “Remove selected items.” This Remove Selected Items link appears directly below the list of items in your cart.
If you click to remove an item from your cart, a small window will pop up asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the item.
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