May 17th, 2011

Directed by: Brian Boland

for Players Club of Swarthmore’s
2nd Stage

Production dates: (Admission is $10 at the door. Cash or check only.)

March 2011
Fri. Sat.
4 5
11 12
18 19

Tickets are available at the door starting at 7:30 p.m.

There are no advance sales, but we make sure there are plenty of seats.

Curtain time is 8:00 p.m. for all Second Stage events.


In the Greek myth, when the musician Orpheus sings and plays, the wild beasts and even the stones are moved. His bride Eurydice dies on her wedding day, and Orpheus descends into the underworld, where his music draws tears even from Pluto and secures Eurydice’s release. Sarah Ruhl’s lyrical retelling of the myth focuses on Eurydice. Orpheus is a singer, but Eurydice is a thinker; the play pits his music, her thought, and their love against the oblivion of death.

Might not engage pre-teens.

Contact the director, for more information.

Eurydice (Katherine Perry) reads letter from Dad (Kevin Doerr)

Eurydice (Katherine Perry) meets the Lord of the Underworld (Jim Fryer) at the pump.

The Stones (Dani Lencioni, Polly Edelstein & Roni Cibischino) chat with Eurydice (Katherine Perry)

The Stones (Roni Cibischino, Polly Edelstein & Dani Lencioni) lift Eurydice's Father (Kevin Doerr)

The Stones (Dani Lencioni, Polly Edelstein & Roni Cibischino) watch the sleeping Eurydice's Father (Kevin Doerr)

Eurydice (Katherine Perry) sits in her suitcase in the Underworld.

Eurydice (Katherine Perry) and Orpheus (Josiah O’Donnell) kiss at their wedding.

Eurydice (Katherine Perry) admires the string ring Orpheus (Josiah O’Donnell) has given her.

The Lord of the Underworld (Jim Fryer) shows Eurydice (Katherine Perry) the letter from her Father.

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